
To Access Go4Schools click here.

Click the ‘Parents’ button in the top right hand corner, use your login details to access Go4Schools, if you don’t know these use the options to request or reset your password.

Click the ‘Students’ button in the top right hand corner, use your school email address which is your school username (e.g. 16RobertsTay) with the suffix @fernup.dorset.sch.uk (e.g. 16RobertsTay@fernup.dorset.sch.uk. If using Go4Schools at home for the first time you will need to enter your school email address in the ‘First Time User’ section and request a password. You will then be sent a password to your school email account which you can access here.

If you don’t know your password details, use the options to request or reset your password.

Enter your school email address which is your school username (e.g. RobertFrost) with the suffix @fernup.dorset.sch.uk (e.g. RobertFrost@fernup.dorset.sch.uk) and your password.

If using Go4Schools at home for the first time you will need to enter your school email address in the ‘First Time User’ section and request a password. You will then be sent a password to your school email account which you can access here.

If you don’t know your password details, use the options to request or reset your password.